Anna Mae

The first time I read "The Natural Soap Book" by Susan Miller Cavitch I was sitting in bed with my head packed with gauze. Earlier that day I had my wisdom teeth removed and during my recovery I knew I needed some reading material. The book walked me through all the complex layers of making cold-process soap and as I read the last page I thought, "challenge accepted." I began researching, watching YouTube, and read a few more books. I went all in as I tend to do when something sparks my attention and tugs at my creative strings. After six months of saving, planning and prepping I made my first batch right there in my kitchen. The worst part was waiting 4 weeks for my bars to cure but once I pulled them out of their molds and held them in my hands I fell in love. 

While soap making has been the most challenging process, it's been the most beautiful and rewarding. I’ve learned how to change the color of my bars using natural clays, how to make more or less bubbles for optimal lather, and integrate different essential oils to promote energy or rest. Through soap making I have experienced the impact of creating a dynamic masterpiece that is actually functional for every day life. I care deeply about these bars and make each with intention and heart in my small batch studio in Newberg, OR.